Isnin, 22 Julai 2013

Telekomunikasi Mobile


Telekomunikasi, juga dikenali sebagai "Telecom", adalah pertukaran maklumat melalui jarak yang jauh dengan cara elektronik dan merujuk kepada semua jenis suara, data dan penghantaran video. Ini adalah satu istilah yang luas yang merangkumi pelbagai teknologi menghantar maklumat seperti telefon (berwayar dan tanpa wayar), komunikasi gelombang mikro, gentian optik, satelit, radio dan penyiaran televisyen, internet dan telegraf.

Alatan yang digunakan dalam komunikasi ini adalah pemancar dan telefon.Medium penghantaran antara pemancar dengan telefon adalah menggunakan isyarat radio frenkuasi dalam bentuk isyarat sinus.

Antara Contoh-contoh isyarat telekomunikasi

Talefon berfungsi menerima dan memancar maklumat.Cellular radio beroperasi dalam dalam 3 band iaitu 900Mhz,1800Mhz dan 2.2Ghz mengunakan dua teknologi iaitu GSM dan UMTS.GSM merujuk kepada Global system for Mobile Communications dan UTMS merujuk kepada Universal Mobile Telecommunication System. Base station di gunakan untuk memancarkan isyarat kepada pengguna.Rekabentuk di letakkan lokasi base station ini adalah dalam bentuk hexagon.

Rekabentuk lokasi base station

Setiap satu lokasi base station di panggil cell.Menentukan lokasi cell ini adalah bergantung kepada beberapa perkara dan di antaranya ialah lokasi penempatan sama ada di dalam Bandar di pinggir Bandar dan di luar Bandar. Jarak antara base station di dalam Bandar antara 0.2 - 0.5km dan 2-5km di pinggir bandar .Dalam sesuatu keadaan GSM base satation sukar memancar isyarat lebih dari 35km kerana terdapat "delay" dalam perambatan gelombang untuk sampai ke mobile phone.

Di dalam sesuatu cell terdapat satu base station.Bila pengguna membuat panggilan talefon dalam cell,base station akan menerima isyarat dari pengguna.Kadang-kadang terdapat line "congest" kerana channel dalam base station terhad tetapi penguna ramai.Untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini konsep "frequency reuse" diguna pakai.

Lesen Mobil yang dikeluarkan oleh MCMC kepada syarikat operator Malaysia.

Spectrum Allocation untuk perkhidmatan mobile di Malaysia

       Frequency Division Duplex (FDD)
       Upper band: 2110 to 2200 MHz
       Lower band: 1920 to 2010 MHz

      Time Division Duplex (TDD)
      Frequency: 1915 to 1920MHz
      Frequency: 2010 to 2025MHz

      IMT2000 Operators
  1. Celcom
    Celcom (Malaysia) Berhad
  2. UMTS
    UMTS (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
  3. U Mobile
    U Mobile Sdn Bhd
  4. DiGi
    DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd

CDMA untuk Band 450Mhz

Khamis, 11 Julai 2013

Wireless Communication

Comparative Measurement of RF Link Budget between SUI and Theoritical Models in a Densely Populated Area

M.H Ibrahim, K.N Puniran, M.H Mohd Hashim

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

University Technology Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur

Abstract - This paper presents the analysis of the RF link budget measurement performed for LTE network in a densely populated area (i.e. Kuala Lumpur) by comparing the result of propagation between theoretical model and Standard University Interim (SUI). The aim of this paper is to establish assumptions of system design at the eNodeB (transmitter) and the user equipment (UE) for both uplink and downlink transmissions. Consequently, the maximum allowable path loss (MAPL) in the LTE system and the maximum coverage area based on the above propagation model is determined and estimated accordingly.

Keywords - LTE, Link Budget, SUI Model, MAPL, Link Budget, eNodeB, UE, Free Space Loss, EIRP


A. Background
 The MCMC is recently granted a license to service provider to operate LTE network in 3GPP Band 7, with consideration of uplink frequency in between 2500 MHz to 2570 MHz, and downlink frequency at the range of 2620 MHz to 2690 MHz. The LTE will be in operation in year 2013. This paper is to establish the RF link budget and to determine the maximum allowable path loss (MAPL) in LTE and estimate the maximum coverage area due to propagation model for the site.

B. Problem Statement

All gains and losses at transmitter (eNodeB) and receiver (UE) for both uplink and downlink transmissions shall be considered in the RF link budget calculation. From the link budget’s tabulated result for both uplink and downlink as shown in this paper, the value of calculated MAPL will determine the maximum coverage area based on the chosen propagation model. The MAPL is determined based on the difference of maximum RF power output of the transmitter and the maximum sensitivity of the receiver [5]. The consequences of limiting the coverage area will cause an additional base station which is required to cover the target area. Thus, MAPL is one of the factors which involves in determining the performance of the model.

The SUI model is selected mainly due to the fact that the model has been developed and benched marking for the frequency bands below 11 GHz [3]. In the US, this model is defined for Multipoint Microwave Distribution System (MMDS) frequency band from 2.5 GHz to 2.7 GHz which is suitable for the LTE network frequency in Malaysia, for both uplink and downlink transmissions. The SUI model has better performance in analytical process and has been widely used in propagation model. Furthermore, the model also considers a different type of terrains with different type of parameters and correction factors, which makes the result more accurate to determine and design the RF link budget modelling for LTE network [3].

C. Assumption

In designing a cellular network which is involving the high speed data link such as LTE network, there are two common questions which are the governing points on how to determine the performance of the network. The questions are how far can it go and what will the throughput be? There are several factors that may impact the performance of the network specifically in a wireless communication. Available and permitted output power, available bandwidth, receiver sensitivity, antenna gains, radio technology, and environmental conditions are some of the major factors that may impact system performance.

A link budget involves a relatively simple addition and subtraction of gains and losses within a RF link. When these component gains and losses are determined and summed, the result is an estimation of end-to-end system performance [4].

To arrive at an accurate answer, factors must be taken into account such as:

  • The frequency bands
  • The uplink power
  • Amplifier gain and noise factors
  • Transmit antenna gain
  • Path loss without assuming any relative error
  • Receive antenna and amplifier gains and noise factors
  • Other attenuation

In this paper, the values and figures in relative to the above factors have been tabulated in the methodology and result sections. The figures are taken from various LTE products specification particularly the antenna for both transmitter and receiver.

                                                                         II. METHODOLOGY

A. Pathloss Model 

The propagation model using theoretical model to determine the path loss between eNodeB and UE is described in below equation. The path loss is derived by the transmission path from an eNodeB to UE with the consideration of all the losses [1], [2]
PL (dB) = PTX + GTX – LTX – PRX – LRX–M                                                    (1)


PTX = Transmitted output power (dBm)

GTX= Transmitter antenna gain (dBi)

LTX = Transmitter losses (dB)

PRX = Receiver power (dBm)

LM = Miscellaneous losses (dB)

The Free Space Path Loss (FSL) is a distinguished and prevailing loss in cases where there are no obstacles along the path. The path loss according to theoretical model (FSL) can be calculated by [1], [2]
LFSL (dB) = 32.44 + 20log10d (km) + 20log102600 (MHz)                                  (2)


f = Operating frequency

d = Separation distance between eNodeB and UE

B. Stanford University Interim (SUI) Model

The propagation model selected in comparing the theoretical model as mentioned in Section II.A is Standard University Interim (SUI) model. In this paper, a Terrain A which is associated with a maximum path loss and moderate to a highly dense populated area is considered. The expression of path loss propagation with correction factors according to SUI model is shown as per below equation [1], [2]
PL SUI (dB) = A+ 10γlog10 ( + Xf + Xh + s for d > do (3)


d = the distance between the eNodeB and UE antennas

d0 = 100m

s = a log normally distributed factor that is used to account for the shadow fading owing to trees and other clutter and has a value between 8.2dB and 10.6dB. The other parameters are defined as [1], [2]

A = 20log10 (4)

γ= a – bhb + (5)


hb = base station height above ground

a, b and c = constant values given in Table 1.1

γ= equal to the path loss exponent, for a given terrain type the path loss exponent is determined by hb

Table 1.1: Terrain Types and Parameters for SUI Model [3] Model Parameter Terrain
a 4.6 4.0 3.6
b(m-1) 0.0075 0.0065 0.005
c(m) 12.6 17.1 20

The correction factor for the operating frequency above 2GHz and for the receiver antenna height are defined in below equation [1], [2]
Xf = 6.0log10 (6)

The expression of type A and B terrain is determined per below equation [3], [4]
Xh = -10.8log10 (7)

While for type C terrain [3], [4]
Xh = -20 log10 (8)


f = Frequency (in MHz)

hr = Receiver antenna height

The shadowing correction, S is calculated using the equation [1], [2]

S = 0.65 (log f) 2 – 1.3(log f) + α (9)


α = 5.2dB for urban and suburban area

α = 6.6dB for rural area
the EIRP has to be calculated [1], [2]
E.I.R.P = PTX + GTX - Loss

To determine the maximum allowable path loss (MAPL),


PTX = Transmitter output power (dBm)

GTX = Transmitter antenna gain (dBi)

Thus, the MAPL equation as described below [1], [2]
MAPL = EIRP + GRX – PTRmin – I – Co (11)


GRX = Receiver antenna gain (dBi)

PTRmin = Receiver sensitivity (dBmW)

I = Interference margin (dB)

Co = Loss of cable (dB)

                       III. RESULT AND FINDING

The RF link budget for uplink and downlink with 2600 MHz of carrier operating frequency are tabulated in below section. The results are obtained based on the theoretical propagation model and SUI propagation model.

A) Theoretical Propagation Model

Table 2.1 shows the result obtained for the transmitter and receiver data with all parameters required in downlink and uplink link budget. Assumptions have been made in calculating the link budget by taking into consideration of antenna gain, height and all the losses. The losses may due to the cable loss, medium loss or loss due to the building penetration.

Table 2.1: Link Budget Design Specification for LTE Network Description LTE (2600 MHz)
Transmitter (eNodeB) Downlink Uplink
Tx (dBm) 46 23
Tx Antenna Gain (dBi) 18 0
Cable Loss (dB) 2 0
EIRP (dBm) 62 23
Receiver (UE) Downlink Uplink
UE Noise Figure (dB) 7 2
Thermal Noise (dB) -104.5 -118.4
Receiver Noise Floor (dBm) -97.5 -116.4
SNR (dB) -9 -7
Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) -106.5 -123.4
Interference Margin (dB) 4 1
Control Channel Overhead (%) 20 0
Rx Antenna Gain (dBi) 0 18
Body Loss (dB) 0 0
Max Allowable Path Loss (dB) 163.5

B) SUI Propagation Model Table 2.2 shows the result obtained from SUI model. Several parameters have been assumed such as type A terrain, the base station height, receiver height and distance between transmitter and receiver, d.

Table 2.2: Link Budget Design Specification for SUI Model Parameter    Downlink Uplink
π 3.1429 3.1429
do (m) 100 100
d (m) 1000 1000
a 4.6 4.6
b (m-1) 0.0075 0.0075
c (m) 12.6 12.6
C (m/s) 3.0E+08 3.0E+08
f (hz) 2.60E+09 2.60E+09
hr (m) 1.65 40
hb (m) 40 1.65
λ 1.15E-01 1.15E-01
s (dB) 8.5 8.5
A 80.74 80.74
γ 4.615 12.22
Xf 0.68 0.68
Xh 33.30 18.35
PLSUI (dB) 169.38 230.52


 A) Downlink Analysis

Figure 1.1 shows the comparison of path loss obtained by using SUI model and theoretical model namely as Free Space Loss (FSL) for downlink transmission.

                        Figure 1.1: Comparison of Path Loss using SUI Model and Theoretical Model

From the downlink graph, the estimated maximum distance coverage area is approximately d = 0.7Km. However, for the ideal model, the MAPL is doubled the difference by computing below equation:
MAPL =32.44 + 20log10d (km) + 20log102600 (MHz)

Then, d = 1374.1km

B) Uplink Analysis

Figure 1.2: Comparison of Path Loss using SUI Model and Theoretical Model

Figure 1.2 shows the comparison of path loss obtained by using SUI model and theoretical model namely as Free Space Loss (FSL) for uplink transmission.

From the uplink graph, the estimated maximum distance coverage area is approximately d = 0.29Km. However, for the ideal model, the MAPL is shown per below equation:

MAPL =32.44 + 20log10d (km) + 20log102600 (MHz)
Then, d = 1364.6km

                                                                          V. DISCUSSION

The estimated link budget analysis is engineered and designed by network engineer to investigate the maximum allowable path loss (MAPL) between eNodeB and UE in any wireless technology specifically LTE. MAPL is used to determine maximum allowable attenuation between eNodeB and UE. The assumption for the case study is to take sample starting from 100m up to 1000m. The assumptions made in determining the link budget are as per below:

- The estimated isotropic radiated power (EIRP) to be 62dBm for downlink and 23dBm for uplink

- The gains for transmitter antenna and receiver antenna are as per Table 2.1

- Standard eNodeB height is 40m from the sea level and UE height is 1.65m

- The MAPL obtained from standard LTE design is 163.5dB for downlink while 163.4dB for uplink

The result of path loss for ideal model is compared with SUI model to determine which equation gives more accurate result in relative to the maximum coverage area. By using SUI model, maximum PL for downlink is 169.38dB while 230.52dB for uplink.

From the downlink graph shown in Figure 1.1, the maximum cell size for LTE network coverage by using SUI model is 0.7Km (from eNodeB to UE). In this case study that is implemented in Kuala Lumpur, about 268 cells are required for LTE network. Besides, from the graph shown in Figure 1.2, the maximum coverage for uplink is 0.29Km (from UE to eNodeB). As for the comparison, the coverage area for downlink is higher than uplink. It is due to the fact that the UE power transmitter is lower than the eNodeB power transmitter. The UE is required a small amount of power to transmit the signal.

                                              VI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION

  Most of service providers in cellular technology are implementing cell splitting and frequency reuse techniques in order to have a better coverage and to double the capacity. However, careful consideration and technique shall be employed in order to establish a good design by minimizing and eradicating issues especially the interference issue. As an initial part of the design, the MAPL and maximum coverage area in the network shall be determined.

In this paper, the aim is to develop the assumptions of system design for uplink and downlink transmission at transmitter and receiver sides. A key part of the work is to find the MAPL and the maximum coverage area for signal transmission in LTE network. Standard University Interim (SUI) model at densely populated area with maximum path loss is considered in this work. From the design obtained, it is found that SUI model has greater path loss as compared with theoretical model.

[1] V.S. Abhayawardhana, I.J. Wassell, D. Crosby, M.P. Sellars and M.G. Brown. "Comparison of    Empirical Propagation        Path Loss Models for Fixed Wireless Access Systems", 2005.
[2] J.Milanovic, S. R. Drlje and K.Bejuk. "Comparison of Propagation Models Accuracy for WiMAX on 3.5 GHz", 2007.
[3] H. Holma and A. Toskala, "LTE for UMTS; Evolution to LTE-Advanced, 2nd ed", 2011.
[4] F. Khan, LTE for 4G Mobile Broadband, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
[5] S. Sesia et al (eds.), LTE, The UMTS Long Term Evolution: From Theory to Practice, Wiley, 2009.

Isnin, 8 Julai 2013

Wilkinson power divider

                      Wilkinson power divider
M.H Mohd Hashim

Abstract This paper is present to design and simulate the circuit for the of 2-section Wilkinson power divider in microstrip technology. Software ADS 2008 is use to simulate the circuit diagram and come out with output in graph frequency. Chebyshew transformer design with max reflection coefficient in passband = 0.05 use for reference to find Z1 and Z0.Center Frequency is 2.75Ghz and Z0 is 50Ω.
 Keywords- Wilkinson power divider, Agilent ADS

         I.          Introduction

   In power division, an input signal is divided into two or more output signal. Power divider may have 2 port, 3 port, 4 port or more and may be lossless. Power divider  usually provide in phase output signals with an equal power division ratio (3dB).Power dividers in antenna have three-port especially important for antenna array systems that utilize a power-splitting network. The device that splits power between n outputs ports with a certain distribution while maintaining equal path lengths from input to output ports. The device implemented with n-way power splitters where three-port power dividers are commonly used. Normally we use incoming port 1 and output is port 2 and port 3.The flexibility of the two-way divider's feed structure allows use of multiple stepped-sections to achieve power division with the capability of wideband operation. The bandwidth is primarily limited by the match of the radiating elements, although using high-isolation power dividers reduces the dependence on the match of the loads.
The scattering matrix of 3 port network has nine independent elements :-

If all the port is matched then S11=S22=S33= 0 therefor the scattering matrix reduces to :-

                                                                          II. Methodology

A.    Design Procedure

To accomplish the design, ADS 2008 was used to design a power divider for the theoretically ideal case. An ideal half-split power divider would divide incident power at port 1 equally between ports 2 and 3. The S-matrix for the ideal Wilkinson divider is given below:

This ideal Wilkinson power divider would have perfect matching at all ports (S11 = 0, S22 = 0, S33=0). Also, there would be perfect isolation between ports 2 and 3 (S23 = 0). The insertion loss between ports 1 and 2 should be -j/√2, and the insertion loss between ports 1 and 3 should be √ -j/2, (|S12| = |S13| = -j/√2). The implementation of the divider uses quarter wavelength lines that cause the phase shift of π/2. Since the device is passive, the S-matrix is reciprocal.Even-odd mode analysis can be used to derive the proper three-port circuit to use to create the ideal Wilkinson power divider. The results are shown below, in Figure 6.

                                               Figure 1: Schematic diagram for three transmission lines.

In summary,we can establish the following scattering parameter for the wilkinson divider:

S11 = 0 Zin = 1 at port 1
S22 = S33 = 0 ( ports 2 and port 3 match for even and odd modes)
S12 = S21 = -j/√2 symmentry due to reciprocity
S13 = S31 = -j/√2 symmentry of ports 2 and 3
S23 = S32 = 0 Due to shot or open at bisection

B. Design Formulas


                                    Figure 2:Schmatic diagram for two section wilkinson power divider

From schematic in figure 2, it show that R1 and R2 are parallel. Function of port 1 is input port and port 2 and port 3 is output. From input it divide to two divider for port 2 and port 3.For this simulation, Z0 is 50 Ω and f0 = 2.75 GHz. In table 1 is show group of ideal values:-

Substrate Diaelectric constant
Substrate Thickness
 h (mm)
Loss Tangent
Multisectiom Quarterwave Transformer


 17µm Copper
Chebyshev (Max reflection Coefficient in the Passband =0.05)


                                     Table 1

C. Simulation Using ADS

LINECALC was used to calculate the length and width microstrip. Figure 3 is show the section of microstrip line. It is one of the simplest forms of transmission lines, consisting of a conducting line above an infinite ground plane, separated by a substrate

Figure 3

It can be seen from Figure 3 that the microstrip structure is open, which means that the electric and magnetic fields, will (theoretically) extend to infinity. Along with the finite height of the conducting line, this makes the structure very difficult to analyze. Infinitely thin top conductor and metallic shielding is therefore normally assumed when analyzing the structure.

Since the electromagnetic field will propagate in both air and the substrate, the propagating wave cannot be a pure transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave, and both the electric and the magnetic fields must have a longitudinal component. The reason for this is that the phase velocity in air and the substrate is different, and therefore a TEM mode can, in theory, only exist at DC.

Figure 4

All microstrip transmission lines suffer from loss, which can be divided into three categories:-
a.       conductor loss
b.       substrate loss
c.       radiation loss.

The conductor loss is due to the electrical properties of the material used. Different materials have different loss, so it is advantageous to use a material with high conductivity. As the frequency is increased, most of the current will be concentrated in the outer part of the conductor.

The gain is the amplification of the signal from input to output. It can be expressed in decibel or as a scalar value. It can also be expressed as a complex number by including the phase.

The insertion loss reveals how much power is lost due to the insertion of the device into the rest of the circuit.

The return loss reveals how much of the incident power is lost due to mismatch at the input. It is expressed in decibel
Table 2 show the result below after simulate with LINECALC:-

0.521154 mm
15.4187 mm
0.987237 mm
15.0493 mm
Table 2

These resulting microstrip widths and lengths were used in generating the layout for the circuit. This schematic was convert to layout below:-

Figure 5 : Layout generate  in ADS

Simulate the layout to get the result frequency response an equal-split Wilkinson power divider.

                                                        III. Result and finding

The return loss, insertion loss, coupling, and isolation between ports were evaluated to determine the optimized final design. A minimal return loss of -10 dB or better over the band and isolation between output ports is a critical design requirement. Also, approximately -3 dB coupling (half of the power) between input and output ports for each stage is anticipated

Figure 6:S-Parameter vs Frequency

The above plot was generated in Agilent ADS using ideal transmission line components to model the Wilkinson divider. The frequency response over the band 1Ghz -5GHz has -3dB coupling and return loss and isolation approaching negative at center frequency which coincides with the Wilkinson S-matrix.

From graph when S11 at center frequency 2.75 GHz and approximate magnitude is -15 dB For S23 when at center frequency 2.75 GHz and magnitude is -11 dB For S21 when at center 2.75 and magnitude is -3 dB

                                             Figure 7: Phase different on frequncy respon

From the phase plot we see that S21 and S31 is in same phase  and s-parameters show resonance at the design frequency.

IV. Conclusion

The Wilkinson divider can meet the ideal three-port network conditions (if it is matched at all ports) being lossless, reciprocal, matched. Therefore, the Wilkinson divider is the best choice in the above comparison and will be used in the optimized design of the corporate-fed network for the array. Wilkinson is losses if impedance match of all port. Passive components, R, L, and C in parallel gives good isolation level between output ports.
[1]     “Microwave Engineering”,Fourth Edition,David M.Pozar.
[2]     Tron Torgeson,”Wilkinson Power Divider”.NTNU master paperwork.
[3]     Daniel D. Harty, “Novel Design of a Wideband Ribcage-Dipole Array and its Feeding         
          Network”,Master Thesis,Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
[4]     Ashraf S. Mohra and Majeed A. Alkanhal,” Dual Band Wilkinson Power Dividers Using T- 
          Sections” Department of Electrical Engineering, King Saud University.
[5]     Jong-Sik Lim, Sung-Won Lee, Chul-Soo Kim, Jun-Seok Park, Dal Ahn, and Sangwook Nam,” 
          A 4 : 1 Unequal Wilkinson Power Divider”.
[6]     Lecture note,Dr Norhudah Seman,Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
[7]     “ Design and Analysis of an Equal Split Wilkinson Power Divider”,master asigment, Bajee 
          Bobba,Dominic Labanowski,Tom Zajdel ,Cameron Zeeb