power divider
M.H Mohd
Abstract— This paper is present to
design and simulate the circuit for the of 2-section Wilkinson power divider in
microstrip technology. Software ADS 2008 is use to simulate the circuit diagram
and come out with output in graph frequency. Chebyshew transformer design with
max reflection coefficient in passband = 0.05 use for reference to find Z1 and
Z0.Center Frequency is 2.75Ghz and Z0
is 50Ω.
Keywords- Wilkinson power divider, Agilent
In power division, an input signal is divided into two or more output
signal. Power divider may have 2 port, 3 port, 4 port or more and may be
lossless. Power divider usually provide
in phase output signals with an equal power division ratio (3dB).Power dividers
in antenna have three-port especially important for antenna array systems that
utilize a power-splitting network. The device that splits power between n outputs
ports with a certain distribution while maintaining equal path lengths from
input to output ports. The device implemented with n-way power splitters where
three-port power dividers are commonly used. Normally we use incoming port 1
and output is port 2 and port 3.The flexibility of the two-way divider's feed
structure allows use of multiple stepped-sections to achieve power division
with the capability of wideband operation. The bandwidth is primarily limited
by the match of the radiating elements, although using high-isolation power
dividers reduces the dependence on the match of the loads.
The scattering matrix of 3 port
network has nine independent elements :-
If all the port is
matched then S11=S22=S33= 0 therefor the scattering matrix reduces to :-
II. Methodology
A. Design
To accomplish the design, ADS 2008 was used to design a power divider
for the theoretically ideal case. An ideal half-split power divider would
divide incident power at port 1 equally between ports 2 and 3. The S-matrix for
the ideal Wilkinson divider is given below:
This ideal Wilkinson power divider would have perfect matching at all ports (S11 = 0, S22 = 0, S33=0). Also, there would be perfect isolation between ports 2 and 3 (S23 = 0). The insertion loss between ports 1 and 2 should be -j/√2, and the insertion loss between ports 1 and 3 should be √ -j/2, (|S12| = |S13| = -j/√2). The implementation of the divider uses quarter wavelength lines that cause the phase shift of π/2. Since the device is passive, the S-matrix is reciprocal.Even-odd mode analysis can be used to derive the proper three-port circuit to use to create the ideal Wilkinson power divider. The results are shown below, in Figure 6.
Figure 1: Schematic diagram for
three transmission lines.
In summary,we can establish the following scattering parameter for the wilkinson divider:
S11 = 0 Zin = 1 at port 1
S22 = S33 = 0 ( ports 2 and port 3 match for even and odd modes)
S12 = S21 = -j/√2 symmentry due to reciprocity
S13 = S31 = -j/√2 symmentry of ports 2 and 3
S23 = S32 = 0 Due to shot or open at bisection
B. Design Formulas
Figure 2:Schmatic diagram for two
section wilkinson power divider
From schematic in figure 2, it show that R1 and R2 are parallel. Function of port 1 is input port and port 2 and port 3 is output. From input it divide to two divider for port 2 and port 3.For this simulation, Z0 is 50 Ω and f0 = 2.75 GHz. In table 1 is show group of ideal values:-
Diaelectric constant
h (mm)
Quarterwave Transformer
4.50 |
0.762 |
0.0020 |
17µm Copper |
(Max reflection Coefficient in the Passband =0.05)
Table 1
![]() |
C. Simulation Using ADS
LINECALC was used to calculate the length and width
microstrip. Figure 3 is show the section of microstrip line. It is
one of the simplest forms of transmission lines, consisting of a conducting
line above an infinite ground plane, separated by a substrate
Figure 3
It can be seen from Figure 3 that the microstrip structure is open, which means that the electric and magnetic fields, will (theoretically) extend to infinity. Along with the finite height of the conducting line, this makes the structure very difficult to analyze. Infinitely thin top conductor and metallic shielding is therefore normally assumed when analyzing the structure.
Since the electromagnetic field will propagate in both air and the substrate, the propagating wave cannot be a pure transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave, and both the electric and the magnetic fields must have a longitudinal component. The reason for this is that the phase velocity in air and the substrate is different, and therefore a TEM mode can, in theory, only exist at DC.
Figure 4
All microstrip transmission lines suffer from loss, which
can be divided into three categories:-
conductor loss
b. substrate
c. radiation
The conductor loss is due to the electrical properties of the material used. Different materials have different loss, so it is advantageous to use a material with high conductivity. As the frequency is increased, most of the current will be concentrated in the outer part of the conductor.
The gain is the amplification of the signal from input to output. It can be expressed in decibel or as a scalar value. It can also be expressed as a complex number by including the phase.
The insertion loss reveals how much power is lost due to the insertion of the device into the rest of the circuit.
The return loss reveals how much of the incident power is lost due to mismatch at the input. It is expressed in decibel
Table 2 show the result below after
simulate with LINECALC:-
0.521154 mm
15.4187 mm
0.987237 mm
15.0493 mm
Table 2
These resulting microstrip widths and lengths were used in generating the layout for the circuit. This schematic was convert to layout below:-
Figure 5 : Layout generate in ADS
Simulate the layout to get the result frequency response an equal-split Wilkinson power divider.
III. Result and finding
The return loss, insertion loss, coupling, and isolation
between ports were evaluated to determine the optimized final design. A minimal
return loss of -10 dB or better over the band and isolation between output
ports is a critical design requirement. Also, approximately -3 dB coupling
(half of the power) between input and output ports for each stage is
Figure 6:S-Parameter vs Frequency
The above plot was generated in Agilent ADS using ideal transmission line components to model the Wilkinson divider. The frequency response over the band 1Ghz -5GHz has -3dB coupling and return loss and isolation approaching negative at center frequency which coincides with the Wilkinson S-matrix.
From graph when S11 at center frequency 2.75 GHz and approximate magnitude is -15 dB For S23 when at center frequency 2.75 GHz and magnitude is -11 dB For S21 when at center 2.75 and magnitude is -3 dB
7: Phase different on frequncy respon
From the phase plot we see that S21 and S31 is in same phase and s-parameters show resonance at the design
IV. Conclusion
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Bobba,Dominic Labanowski,Tom Zajdel ,Cameron Zeeb
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